January West Michigan Chapter Meeting
We met on January 19 at Steelcase. Our topics were;
External Configurators (presented by Configura)
Impacts of VC on Materials Management
PDR (Presented by Espline)
Engineering Change Management
We had one of our beter meetings (in my opinion). Many thanks to the folks from Configura and Espline for being willing to present to our little group. Espline presented via Livemeeting and conference call, which worked very well.
Overall, we had 19 people in attendance. Much better than our last attempt at getting together!! The Networking event was also a success, with 14 people in attendance.
Next up is a webcast, and our next face to face meeting will be held sometime in May. Exact dates and times are still being worked out, along with agenda items. With a little bit of luck, at our May webcast we will have some folks from SAP presenting!!
I strongly encourage you to become involved in a local chapter. In my humble opinion, it really makes the CWG experience just that much better..
Till next time,