Conference Wrap Up

Drat...No wireless service again....Wireless went down Tuesday afternoon and didn't come back up for SOME people until after lunch Wednesday. I was not fortunate enough to get the wireless back, so it was kind of hard to blog...It does kind of REQUIRE Net access...

Enough whining. I can tell by the dearth of comments that you are waiting with unbaited breath for the news...

Interesting thing..Mixed messages...In many of the Tuesday meetings, we were asked if we wanted to be part of a focus group to work on things. Cool...Then right before lunch, a SAP person made the statement that;

"SAP is looking for actual customer projects to drive the need for additions to the software, then make it available in the standard offering"

 Hmmm. Does this mean that the focus groups really won't get anything into the standard offering unless one of the members decides to pony up for custom development? Not sure about you, but I'm certainly confused...Of course, many people say that it doesn't take much to get me into that state..

I really enjoyed the sessions around the new Business By Design software (BBD). SAP showed us the new interfaces for "properties" (read characteristics) and it looks real simple. I like simple...Shame I won't get to use it as it is  not intended for R\3...

Great discussion around BOM selections in BBD as well. SAP is heading towards table based selections, with simple joins. It will be interesting to see how they end up displaying those items in the software..

Then came the dinner cruise....Cool...Big shout out to Lars and the Configit gang..They really outdid themselves with this one. Thanks a bunch!!! Here is a small selection of pics..

Thanks Lars
















The Bridge































A Winner!
















Da Board
































So, as you can tell, it will be hard to top this one. Not quite sure what the board will have up their sleeve...If it has anything to do with Robert's "random number generator" though, you can bet that Peter will end up winning it!!!

Wednesday was a good day, with a couple of interesting presentations. I thought the ALE and Business decision discussions were best though...

Well, that's all I feel like writing for now..Happy hour starts in a few minutes and I feel the need for a beer or 2..

Till next time,
