Two Lane Highway
You see, I'm about to cancel the next West Michigan CWG Chapter meeting.
Not because I don't want to hold it, but because I can't due to other business committments. Neither can my co leader, and nobody else wants to step up to run it..
Which brings me back to the Two Lane Highway..
Any community like the CWG needs two way communication and participation.
This community is fair at it. Not perfect, but fair. We still have a lot of lurkers out there, which is really typical for any Internet community (except maybe Facebook, but I think there are a bunch of lurkers there too)..
But you all have to realize, this community is nothing without you. So that means you have to provide input and content.
Heading down to Marco, I see some new names in the list of presenters. Good for you folks!! I love to see that and welcome you with open arms..
For the rest of you, please reconsider your level of participation. Not only in the larger CWG, but in your local chapter. If you don't have a local chapter, maybe your contribution can be to start one!
Trust me, those of us that have been around a while won't bite!! OK, some of us bark a little, but bark right back!! Over a beer or four, it's all good anyway..
So get out that "car" and get on the Two Lane Highway...I think you'll find that, in the end, it makes your career a much better one...
Hope to see you in Marco...Remember, 2 for 1 happy hour is ONLY in the interior bar!! So, if I decide to give beer away, you know how you can get 2 instead of just one...
Till next time,