Music City - Impressions of an Old Dude..
Here we are... A little bit of time after the Nashville CWG Conference.. As some of you may remember, I tend to ramble on about my impressions of each conference I attend.. This is no different..
Drove up to the hotel in the rain. Looked across the street and found this structure;
It's pretty cool... Over a 100 years old I'm told.. After the drive, I decided I needed to check out the beer scene. There were a couple of highly rated places right across the street, so off I went..
Lemme put it this way.. One of them was alright.. The other... Well, I suppose it should have warned me what I was going to experience..
The meet and greet was interesting. 108 people crammed into this tiny room, all of us wondering "how in the world will we fit in here for a conference?" Actually, we fit in better for the conference activities than we did for the meet & greet;
Day 1 got underway with some strange dude talking about finding Unicorns;
and then it got more entertaining when Princess Isabel and Darth Marin got on stage;
Of course, we also listened to the other typical SAP types too.. Not one... But TWO Vice Presidents from SAP attended and gave us some insight as to where SAP is going.. First time I can remember that SAP has sent this many people at that level to our little conference.. Something BIG must be in the works!!
I got to introduce some new presenters from AO Smith.. I must say they did a GREAT job giving their first presentation. Hope to see them back telling us how their project continues;
We heard about the AVC Roadmap, and then the folks from eLogic told us about some "challenges" with the AVC..
Somehow, a certain group managed to sneak away at lunch to enjoy some "non standard" refreshments. They claimed something about "An Alternative Approach to ETO" or some such nonsense... I certainly didn't see a presentation on that topic..
Which made me a tad grumpy...
Ah well, Day 1 ended up with a group at Ted's Montana Grill.. Just a short walk away;
I think somebody got run over by the buffalo as their picture seems a bit.... Out of place..
Day 2 was a blur to me.. Maybe because I was "stuck" in the AVC track giving 4 presentations... Not gonna do that again!!
We simply won't talk about the dining experience on Tuesday evening.... Lets just say it was.... Different.
Rumor had it that a group of folks (who shall remain nameless to protect the guilty) found a few "interesting" places Tuesday evening..
and were out, shall we say... Quite late.. Much later than an Old Man like me can tolerate... Even though some of them missed the first pictures, they eventually showed up and even gave a great first presentation of the day!
We finished things off with a silly old man holding up the Uniduck;
and making people wonder if he had "seen the little man that sells you pills down by the pier" just a couple of times too many way back in the day..
Overall, a very successful conference. I can't remember a time when I heard so many people saying they needed to clone themselves to catch all the great content on Day 2..
Come see us at the Fall 2019 Conference!