Berlin Blues
No, I'm not singing. And I don't have the Blues..But since I'm listening to some good blues right now, it seemed to fit..
I'm thinking about what to present in Berlin at our upcoming CWG Conference..
While I enjoy presenting, I'd kind of like to do something more... Engaging.. Fun...Most importantly, meaningful to you!
In order to do that, I need some help from you..
The last 2 conferences have been... Well... Kind of light on "Ask the Experts" questions..
As a result, I'm thinking about running a "Round Table" discussion with 3 or 4 topics taken directly from what seems most relevant in Forum discussions.
So I started looking at things here on the portal, trying to figure out what might be most relevant to you, the people that are attending the conference.
Here is one slice about the most recent posts. Most have been about what functionality is in the Advanced Variant Configuration Engine.
But looking at the individual Forums at the most replied to topics shows some different thinking;
So, I have 2 questions for you;
- If I facilitated a Round Table Discussion on specific topics, would you attend and contribute to the discusssion?
- If the answer to question 1 is YES, which 5 topics are the most interesting to you?
Please respond in the comments.
No responses means no round table!
See you in Berlin!