Focus on Fort Lauderdale
Yup.. We ended up in Fort Lauderdale for the October conference... Why is it every cab seems to have a low tire presure warning light?? Is it a law or something??
Hey... There's a beach here!!
Shame of it is, I didn't set foot on the beach... The good news is that Ft. Lauderdale had managed to make enough of a recovery from Hurricane Irma to host our conference. If you went on the back streets, it was pretty obvious there was still work to do, but nothing at all like Marco Island in 2005..
It's always great to see good friends.. Especially when they come all the way from Australia!
This was my first time as anything but an attendee.. I always knew that the folks in the Board did a lot of work, but I never imagined just how much it took to pull one of these conferences off. My thanks and congratulations to all the Board members that have worked so hard over the years to make these conferences what they are!
Sicker than a dog, I still went to the meet & greet.. Wouldn't shake anyones hand and stayed well away from as many people as I could.. Hopefully, no one got the crud I had cause it lasted the whole conference..
Beer or No Beer has seen it's last days.. While existing cards will be honored, no more will be offered. Just doesn't seem to be much interest anymore...
Day 1 started off with some "minor" Audio Visual problems.. Got them solved and only lost about 10 minutes. People very quickly learned that I cannot sing or dance very well..
The usual suspects did the usual things... Although that was the first time I remember seeing an umbrella onstage... Make sure you check out the Document share as Mr. Bernhard Teltscher got them all uploaded in record time!
Of course, we went to dinner Monday night.. Since I arranged it and needed to eat anyway, I went...
Florida doesn't seem to have many of what I consider "picture worthy" beers.
What was even worse, this was a "Dark beer"..... Really??
Day 2 had a surprise also;
Strangest room setup I've ever seen... One of the most uncomfortable also.. But we got through it all OK..
The good news was that every room had plenty of power strips!! And some really good presentations.. The folks from eLogic did 2 on pricing that seemed to get rave reviews!
Somehow, I did 2 presentations as well. By the end of it I could hardly talk, so I stayed in that night... Good thing as I hear that multiple bars got closed down that night... Lots of people came in Wednesday morning looking somewhat... shall we say.... Tired....
Day 3 had people trickling out.. We were running under on presentation timing, so we had a question and answer session just before lunch.. When the end of the conference rolled around there were not many questions left... Or everyone was still suffering from Tuesday night.. Not sure which..
Nicole takes a good group picture every time;
By the way, we found out that the Spring conference will be in Berlin.. Can you say... The House of 100 Beers?? I think I have about 70 more to try...
Next fall we will be in Nashville.. So get out your boots and get ready!!
Till next time...