S/4 HANA Advanced Variant Configuration Engine
Over the past couple of years you have heard about a research project and an official project to define a new Advanced Variant Configuration Engine in the SAP S/4 HANA software. I'm very happy to share with you the first SAP promotional video on this topic, even if it DOESN'T have a Steelcase chair in it.. :-)
Feel free to share this far and wide!
Please note the expected release date at the end of the video and in the descriptive text.
More details to come... Of course, the MOST detail on the new S/4 HANA Advanced Variant Configuration Engine is available by attending the conferences where you get the ability to;
- Talk to the product owners
- Talk to the product developers
- Possibly do hands on validation of interface solutions, etc
Hopefully I will see you at the upcoming European CWG Conference, then again in the fall at the US CWG conference!!