Partners: ever thought about registering at the SAP EcoHub?

If you've attended the European CWG conference, and if you've listened to Michael Zarges' presentation on day one really well, then this post is probably old news for you. 

But if you haven't, here's the grand, mindboggingly cool idea: Let's have a place for the CWG on SAP's market, the SAP EcoHub.

Why is this idea so mindboggingly cool? (btw major parts of this idea actually comes from David Silverman - thanks!).

Because SAP's EcoHub is the place where SAP Partners (both Software and Service partners) can show what they have, and customers can find out what's there that does what they need. And if enough CWG partners would register (something like 20 or 30), then configuration could become a "hot topic", and we would have our own section, and, particularly, our own URL.

And then, we could use this URL to e.g. have a menu or button in the PME VC that points to relevant partner tools. Or make the URL known on the CWG portal, or ... there's a lot of possibilities why it could be useful to have a kind of dictionary of CWG partners on the EcoHub.

So now that you probably are sitting there, nodding wildly, and, in case you're a partner, you're all eager to join the EcoHub, you probably want to know HOW?

It's easy.

  • Send an e-mail to
  • Provide the following information: Partner name, PRM ID, Partner contact + e-mail address of the person responsible for the partner pages in SAP EcoHub, and don't forget to mention the CWG as reference, and your hope to get a CWG hot topic.
  • And of course you have to write something about you in your EcoHub pages then.


  • Partner must be member of the SAP PartnerEdge program or willing to become member within 180 days. Further infos:
  • Software must be certified by SAP ICC. There might be exceptions on this.

More info on the SAP EcoHub and why you really want to join can be found on the presentation I've attached.

So, dear partners, please think about it. It would be great to have our own CWG hot topic incl. URL, wouldn't it?

And if you believe the idea is stupid, because the EcoHub is expensive, hard to get into, difficult to use, ... (the EcoHub lady told me that it's not, but you never know), then please comment here. 

